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Banner Sweyepe, Sponsoring Benefiz Golfturnier, Veranstalter und Nicola und Andreas Tanski

Sweyepe sponsors charity golf tournament: €70,000 for the Stups Children's Center in Krefeld

Last weekend, Sweyepe was the proud sponsor of a charity golf tournament that took place on the golf course of the Issum-Niederrhein eV Golf Club. The goal of this special event was to raise funds for the Stups Children's Center...

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So putzt du deine Brillengläser richtig

How to clean your glasses properly

Do you want perfect vision? We'll give you some valuable cleaning tips to help you clean your glasses quickly. This way you can enjoy crystal-clear vision and extend the lifespan of your glasses at the same time. cleaning glasses Table...

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Brillen richtig reinigen

How to clean glasses properly

Cleaning glasses with Sweyepe – For a clear view Glasses are more than just a visual aid - they are an indispensable companion in everyday life. But what is the best way to clean your glasses so that you always...

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Den Durchblick behalten: Deine Brille richtig putzen

Keep your perspective: Clean your glasses properly

People who wear glasses know that opinions differ when it comes to cleaning glasses. In this blog article, you will learn how to clean your glasses effectively without causing damage to them. Why is proper cleaning important? Clean glasses not...

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